SEPCO Bill Calculator

SEPCO Bill Calculator is a tool that estimates your bill based on your monthly consumed units. Do you want to estimate your SEPCO bill based on your monthly consumed units before receiving your bill duplicate or hard copy? The Process of using the SEPCO Bill Estimator/Calculator is straightforward.

You can only estimate your bill if you know the units consumed that month. Enter Units in the Input box above and press the ‘Calculate’ button to get an estimate of your bill. Additionally, you can read this entire article to know the Benefits and working of the SEPCO Bill Estimator.

SEPCO Bill Calculator banner

How Does it Work?

SEPCO Bill Estimator is an online service that makes it easy to calculate your bills using monthly consumed units with ease. It estimates your bill based on factors including the Cost of Electricity, FC surcharge, Electricity Duty, TV Fee, GST, and NJ Surcharge. However, the original amount of your bill may differ from the estimated amount because the calculator only gives you an estimate, not the final amount.

How to Use the SEPCO Bill Calculator

Some steps that may help you use the SEPCO bill estimator/calculator are as follows;

  • Scroll up and look for an Input box above.
  • Enter your monthly consumed units and press the ‘Calculate’ button to estimate your bill.
  • As you click on the calculate button, it’ll display the estimated bill amount with taxes.

Benefits of the SEPCO Bill Estimator/Calculator

Some benefits of the SEPCO Bill estimator/Calculator are as follows;

User-friendly Interface:

SEPCO Bill Estimator provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to estimate SEPCO Bill. You don’t have to install any additional Android app to calculate your SEPCO bill using the monthly consumed units.


SEPCO Calculator is time-saving because it saves the time consumed in manual calculations by giving you quick results.


SEPCO Calculator provides an easy-to-use interface with an input box for entering units and a calculate button for the calculations.

Unit prices of SEPCO

Here are some unit prices of SEPCO for the year 2022. Remember, these prices may increase or decrease in the future.

Units Per Unit Rate
More then 50 Units 14.37
From 101-200 Units 16.51
From 201-300 19.21
From 301-700 21.06
More then 700 23.45

No, there is no need for a reference number to calculate the SEPCO bill using the SEPCO Bill estimator/Calculator.

SEPCO bill estimator gives you an estimate of your bill using monthly consumed units. However, the original amount may differ from the estimated amount because it just gives an estimate of your bill.

You’ve to know your monthly consumed units to use the SEPCO bill estimator/calculator.

Additionally, You can check your SEPCO Bill at SEPCO Online Bill.